Books by Martin Page (5)


Despre ploaie by Martin Page RO

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
"Se mai intampla sa ne indragostim de un fenomen al naturii. Byron a mangaiat un fulger, Li Po a imbratisat oglindirea lunii in apa, Shelley a adormit printre valuri, iar Empedocle s-a imbatat cu lava. Ploaia ne cade in brate, ne saruta si ne paraseste. Ca o amanta, intermitenta din fire, ea vine cand nu ne asteptam. Ea distruge orele triste. Frumusetea ploii sta in caracterul ei imprevizibil. De fiecare data, atingerea ei ma surprinde, mi se face pielea de gaina. Nu va fi nici un divort. Sotie credincioasa, ploaia e cu noi pretutindeni. La capatul zilelor, o regasim in picaturile din per... continue


How I Became Stupid by Martin Page EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Ignorance is bliss, or so hopes Antoine, the lead character in Martin Page's stinging satire, How I Became Stupid—a modern day Candide with a Darwin Award like sensibility. A twenty-five-year-old Aramaic scholar, Antoine has had it with being brilliant and deeply self-aware in today's culture. So tortured is he by the depth of his perception and understanding of himself and the world around him that he vows to denounce his intelligence by any means necessary in order to become "stupid" enough to be a happy, functioning member of society. What follows is a dark and hilarious odyssey as Antoine ... continue


On s'habitue aux fins du monde by Martin Page FR

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / France flag France
Le soir même où Elias, jeune producteur de cinéma à qui tout réussit, reçoit un prix, il jette le trophée dans la Seine. Clarisse, son amie, l'a quitté. Lorsque Caldeira, un réalisateur charismatique, le met à la porte, Elias commence à prendre conscience des fictions de son existence. De désillusions en déceptions, le jeune homme va tenter de découvrir qui il est et ce qu'il veut. Il découvre qu'il n'est pas très différent des personnages désespérés qui l'entourent... La grâce et la possibilité du bonheur arrivent sous la forme d'une jeune écrivaine qui tente de mettre fin à ses jours à chaqu... continue


The Discreet Pleasures of Rejection : A Novel by Martin Page EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / France flag France
Another mordantly hysterical tale from the author of the cult favorite How I Became Stupid A funny yet poignant tour of one young man's existential crisis, The Discreet Pleasures of Rejection is another short novel from France's Martin Page. Virgil comes home from work one day to a message on his answering machine-his girlfriend is breaking up with him. This news should be devastating, but instead it's deeply troubling, because Virgil doesn't know the woman and doesn't have any memory of being in a relationship with her. The event sends Virgile into a tailspin of unrelenting self-analysis, cau... continue